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Just as September

СообщениеДобавлено: Пн июл 15, 2019 4:23 pm
Just as September, October and November have identified your best sellers, those months will also identify the slow sellers, the dogs. These are items that simply have not moved at full retail prices. The key to protecting your profits is to clear them out now, when a 30% discount, for instance, will get the job done, rather than later when there's a whole lot more on clearance, and it might take 50% or 75% off to move them out.

Further, by clearing them out early, you free up your displays to focus your customer's attention on your key items.

Step 8: Plan for gift card redemptions after the holidays

Gift cards have emerged as an important component of holiday gift giving.

You take Cigarettes Online USA the cash in before the holidays, but redeem them afterwards. The critical objective is to redeem them for full margin sales, rather than clearance sales. If you've planned your inventory prudently, there's not likely to be as much clearance inventory, and there's room to bring in early transitional inventory in mid December, which doesn't have to be marked down and can be sold at full margins.

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